A review by ambeesbookishpages
The Project by Courtney Summers


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

*Thank you so much Wednesday Books and Netgalley for letting me read and review THE PROJECT*

It’s still been a few days since I finished The Project and all I can say is this: Courtney, why did you put me through such pain? I loved Sadie so when I heard news of The Project I was instantly interested. Especially that this book is centered around a cult was a selling point for me, something about these kinds of books just trap me in. I can’t give The Project enough praise, but I’m hoping this review is a little drop in the tons of love it will get.

I love Courtney’s writing style. It’s easy to follow, imaginative and leaves the reading sitting on the edge of their seat eager for more. She did not disappoint on the twists and turns in The Project. There would many times through out this book that I would have to stop and process what happened.

I loved Lo’s character and her dedication to finding her sister and finding is place in the world after something horrific happened to her. I especially loved seeing how as the story went on how Courtney subtlety shifted certain aspects of Lo’s beliefs and actions to meet those of The Project, it was masterfully done. This whole entire book is masterful.

The Project left me crying in my room at 1a.m. because the ending is unlike anything I predicted it to be, especially having read Sadie and knowing how that ended. But as much as it emotionally destroyed me I loved every moment of this book and I hope everyone else who reads it does too. As I said, this review won’t do The Project justice so You have to read it for yourself to see!