A review by thebritishbibliophile
The Dark King by Gina L. Maxwell


'One of the best erotic novels I've read in a very long time. Riveting as it is raunchy, I happily kneel before this King!' -TheBritishBibliophile_

Thank you to Entangled Publishing for sending me an ebook ARC via NetGalley for me to read and leave an honest review.

When a book says or mentions--either on the cover or on the inside--Fifty Shades, I'm as intrigued as I am curious. Usually I read 'if you like Fifty Shades, you're going to love this', or 'better than Fifty Shades'. During these moments, I usually walk away from a read. Why? Because I don't believe in using the name of another book/author, or running down another book/author to bring more attention to the upcoming or released book. A book should be able to stand on its own merit, in my opinion.

However... The Dark King seems to be an exception to my rule. On the cover for this novel is a quote by Helen Hardt. It reads; 'Neon Gods meets Fifty Shades... Delicously dark and sexy!' . Where this is an obvious mention to Fifty Shades and regardless of if either author is a fan or not, I was intrigued as Helen is an author who's opinions I take in high regard and as a lover of both Katee Robert, author of Neon Gods and Erika L James, author of all things Fifty Shades, I was more than lured to give this read a chance, and to finally read my first Gina L Maxwell novel.

Time to meet the King.

As quoted on the cover, we were promised a story which is a mix of Neon Gods and Fifty Shades. Before opening the book, I broke this down in my mind as a story of supernatural-like creatures-meets-kinky fuckery, touching along the lines of BDSM in some way. Given how we know more about the latter, thanks to the continued success of the franchise. This, however, could always change once reading the contents of the book that promised a heady mix of these two already legendary reads. Will it live up to what has been quoted about it? Or will it do the opposite? Gentle readers, I'm very pleased to inform you that Ms Hardt was correct in her summing up of The Dark King .

Where we weren't exactly transported to a world like we were in Neon Gods , the supernatural came to us here on Earth. This is where the fun begins, for these beings are not what they seem. Especially The King and owner of Las Vegas' most prestigious casino & hotel. There is a man with many hidden secrets, AND hidden desires.

Caiden Verran--King of the 'Night Court' and fae--is a man not to be trifled with. Like Christian Grey, Caiden is a man--a fae--who gets what he wants and all who walk behind him or have the pleasure of seeing him, are simply filled with awe at his presence. Though alpha males like Caiden are usually full of swagger and arrogance, this alpha male is proud, passionate and stubborn. For he is not like other men--certainly not like any other leading book men--, he not only has to think about his life in the mortal realm, but the consequences and the domineering world in which he came from. He and his kind may no longer be in the fae world, but their lineage--and its curses--follow them every step they make. Like Bryn, I fell under Caiden's spell the moment I first read about him and from his first chapter POV. Although at times frustrating as alpha males go, Caiden is a very likeable character whom people--such as myself--easily warm to. Yet despite what we first know about him, there is more deep down that we discover as the chapters pass. Slowly unwound is the image projected into this fiction world that is Caiden Verran, and revealed is the man inside whom very few get to see but as a reader, we are privy to seeing him in all his shades of grey.

Standing beside him as fellow novel lead as previously mentioned, is Bryn Meara. As human as humans can get, she is dropped into this world by very unforeseen and unusual circumstances. It seems as almost as if 'fate' has dropped this young, driven lady into the world of kings, queens, and all things fae. Considering her backstory and past--which you'll discover when reading this book--, Bryn is a determined, headstrong young woman who knows her worth and value. In a world full of otherworldly creatures, situations and unexpected events, she is a diamond in the ruff who shines through and is much tougher than she looks. Bryn is every equal to Caiden, in terms of her personality and character. She is his equal. Which he will soon--or rather, eventually--realise.

Where this isn't a story which rivals the ACOTAR series in terms of all things fae and Night Court in terms of detail and complexity, The Dark King is its own brilliant entity. Whereas I did like the ACOTAR series, the detail and complexity of the books, especially stretching into several full-length novels, can be somewhat overwhelming at times. This novel's fae and Night Court kept things much simpler, easy to understand, and not at all complex. I'm confident that anyone can and will be able to pick this book up and not struggle to understand any of its content.

The Dark King was a pleasantly surprising romantically-steamy novel which isolates you from the real world, as the characters themselves have been, taking you on a journey that will test what the characters think they know about themselves, what they'll realise about themselves, and just what true hand fate has to offer them as after all, enemies are often kept closer than friends. And our beloved King has more than his fair share of enemies.

I would recommend this novel to anyone who has any taste in romance, the supernatural, for the steamier book among the bunch, and for those who are looking for their next 'must read' novel. I, for one, am glad to have taken up The Dark King as I not only have found a 'must read' novel, but a top read of 2022.

Hail to the King!