A review by saarahnina
Mr. Crotchety by Rich Amooi



I read this, alongside the audio book - so I have posted this to Audible too! I liked how this featured a more mature couple, yet despite this it wasn't boring at any point. I loved Sally's enthusiasm and the voice (by the performer). I loved the messages that it sometimes is better to speak your mind, to not lie as it will just catch up with you.

I liked how neither character was flawless, they each had their problems. Only too often, these problems are overlooked: thus, the characters seem superficial. For this novel, however that wasn't the case at all. The reading was brilliant, loved the voice changes, that is talent. In the same way, I liked the writing style it was sophisticated whilst still enjoyable. I also found it interesting to have been able to see the connection develop between Sally and Roger, the fact that it wasn't there immediately made it more authentic.

Thank you for having given me the opportunity. I recommend reading this if you haven't done so yet.