A review by lynseyisreading
Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter


I don't seem to be having a good week for reading Gena Showalter this week. I read The Darkest Prison Novella and was...unimpressed, shall we say? Now this effort...

Okay, so let's just get the things that annoyed me off my chest first, then we can move on to the positives.

1. It was incredibly cheesy.

2. The speed at which they fell in love. So, without spoiling it too much (and it does tell you this in the blurb too) the hero of the book has been sold as a sex slave. Now, maybe being sold as a slave and sexually violated on a regular basis whilst chained, starved and tortured affects different people in different ways. Who am I to judge? But I'm just thinking that maybe, were that person to escape such a...predicament, they probably wouldn't seduce their rescuer and declare undying love for her after about 20 minutes and then bind themselves to her for the rest of eternity...I'm just sayin'.

The delightful chap also likes to reminisce about the threesomes and foursomes he used to enjoy (prior to being a sex slave, naturally). Not that he has any interest in such things now that he's met the love of his life (about 5 minutes ago) of course.

3. The female character. She was just an empty vacuum of space from what I could ascertain. She served absolutely no purpose other than to provide the eyes through which we could ogle Nicolai's physique.

So onto what I did like... Um, the title font's quite pretty don't you think?