A review by hideyourspoons
Peachy by Camri Kohler


Were you the kid who purposefully put glue on your hands, let it get tacky and then peeled it off to see your skin texture?

Or maybe you collected scratch-and-sniff Garbage Pail Kid cards?

Do you rewatch Supernatural or The Walking Dead start to finish every year?

If so, you're probably gonna like this book.

A coven of witches - Frankie, Ben, and Cleo - are first threatened when a rogue vampire witch kills Frankie's grandmother. Frankie is only just discovering her powers and relies on her found family for knowledge and support. Her heart and resolve are put to the test by what it'll take to strengthen her power and survive an evil they could not forsee.

Peachy is a visceral reading experience. Its saturated and rich and graphic from the very start. You'll feel the horror and gore elements squelch. You'll warm your face against the beaming Utah sun. Theres so much amazing texture that brings this story to life.

I love Frankie. Seriously. Yes, a killer vampire witch stalks her, but does she have beer left in the fridge? Her best friend might be giving her the heart flutters, but wait! Shit! Theres no clean shirts. Only slightly less dirty shirts. The way we get all sides of her is amazing. I sorta want to be her mom-friend.

The magic & lore created for Peachy is clever if a bit convoluted. Theres a bit of trust I had to give here that I'm gonna learn all the rules just as Frankie does. So as a start of a series, its hooked me and leaves me with enough mystery to anticipate the sequels.

Thank you NetGalley & Lake Country Press for this advance copy in exchange for my honest review.