A review by antitheticaldreamgirl13
Eighth Grave After Dark by Darynda Jones


“Are you free?” he asked. “No, but I’m on sale for a dollar ninety-nine.” He sighed, adding fuel to the fire. “Do you have a minute?” I patted my pockets. “Not on me, but I can go through the couch cushions.”

Gahhh!!! I love Charley Davidson! I love the pithy dialogue! I love her sarcasm and humor! But shit! I am so freaking tired of reading about how gorgeous Reyes. Like, shit we get it! Move on! Paragraphs after paragraphs dedicated to how gorgeous and enchanting Reyes is.
About halfway through the book, I was seriously considering throwing in the towel on Charley. However, as is her M.O., Darynda Jones sucked me back in with Beep’s fantastic birth scene. And then later! I mean, woah!! Will definitely be picking up the next book, but skipping past the grueling paragraphs dedicated to Reyes’ beauty.