A review by captaincymru
Catspaw by Joan D. Vinge


So I liked the first book when I read it last week. I didn't mean to read the second one so soon, but I was too lazy to grab my Kindle from downstairs so I started to leaf through Catspaw instead. And I could not put it down.

It's everything the first book was just more and better. More intrigue, more politics, more Cat. Our hero is hired to prevent an assassination in one of the Combine families and is thrust between the world of elites and the one he came from, and these worlds don't meet smoothly.

My copy is an ex-library book, but I'm sad to say there's no dates stamped on the ticket (paper tickets in library books, remember those?). Hopefully at least one person in Waltham Forest read this gem before I got a hold of it.