A review by chelseavbc
Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy


This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

Powerful psychic Serra finds herself forced to work for a mysterious high-blood businessman. He wants her to help find his missing daughter, but there is so much more going on than she expects. Fane can’t be away from Serra. When she disappears, he tracks her. The high-blood might not want his help, but he’s going to get it. Secrets of The Sentinels world are revealed and there are some surprises for Serra as the mystery unravels throughout Blood Assassin.

While the mystery plot is certainly worth your time, the real star of Blood Assassin is the electric energy between its hero and heroine.

The sexual tension between Fane and Serra pops. There’s no question these two have chemistry, and it’s the energy when they’re both on the page that kept me moving through Blood Assassin at a quick pace. I started the book at 2 a.m. one night and read the first 200 pages before my body cried for sleep. There is a hitch, though, to the energy between these two characters. They keep getting in their own way. As a romance readers, it’s something we’ve certainly encountered before, but it’s a big source of frustration. From the beginning of the novel, it’s clear that Fane wants Serra and Serra wants Fane, but they aren’t together. He says he can’t be with her because of obligations. When she finally accepts that, he realizes he can’t live without her. So now she’s keeping him at arm’s length.

Despite the hero and heroine delaying their fated togetherness, it was still super sexy. When they’re together—and not denying their feelings—I was wrapped up in the scene, in their romance, their love. Plus, I love Fane. Just. Gah. He’s a deliciously stubborn alpha who knows how to assess a situation and take control. He can, when required, even let others help. He was my favorite part of Blood Assassin, but I expect no one is surprised by that.

I did not read the first Sentinels book prior to reading Blood Assassin (I’m a rebel), and I never found myself lost or wading through a world I couldn’t comprehend. Alexandra Ivy does a nice job of quickly laying the groundwork and introducing her characters. Tonally, Blood Assassin may remind you of a Guild Hunter novel. Plenty of action and a nice dose of steamy romance.
- See more at: http://vampirebookclub.net/?p=9871&preview=true#sthash.o7L6oL6v.dpuf