A review by beverleefernandez
Miss Muriel and Other Stories by Ann Petry


Miss Muriel and Other Stories is a collection of short stories that embody the Black Experience in America. The characters are not written as “tragically colored” or a living minstrel show and that is reason enough to love Mrs. Petry’s writing. Much like the characters in The Street, they are portrayed as human-flawed to be sure because no one is perfect, but not evil. My personal favorite stories are Mother Africa for the perfect surprise ending, The Bones of Louella Brown-a truly haunting tale that should make one think twice of disrespecting people, The Witness & The Necessary Knocking on the Door for it’s take on respectability politics and the what would you do question presented, In Darkness & Confusion for capturing the rage of a people after repeated injustices. I believe these stories are timeless because the topics covered are relevant and still occur today. It’s a reminder that taking a step forward isn’t always easy, there will be an obstacle or several to try to keep success, freedom, happiness an abstract feeling.