A review by meezcarrie
The Keeper of Her Heart by Stacy Henrie


The Keeper of Her Heart follows Ada Thorne Henley over the course of several years and, in so doing, readers are given a glimpse into England from the beginnings of WW1 to its aftermath. History is intrinsically woven into Ada’s compelling story, and readers will be moved by the emotional ups and downs. Told almost in snippets, the novel sometimes hops forward several months – or even years – but this allows no scene to be wasted.

Ada is a very likable heroine whose courage, resolve, and vulnerability is inspiring and compelling. She quickly feels like a friend, and we become so wrapped up in her story that we feel each emotion with her. The cast of other characters are vivid and full of life, and Henrie knits them all together with a tender hand.

Bottom Line: The Keeper of Her Heart by Stacy Henrie is poignant and inspiring, the highs and lows of Ada’s life drawing the reader in wholeheartedly. The theme of God’s presence in times of joy as well as sorrow and fear walks hand-in-hand with Ada’s determined spirit and her compelling courage. Life doesn’t always work out the way we planned but in God’s hands we are held through it all.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower