A review by shay23
Dreamstrider by Lindsay Smith


Actual rating: 4.5 Stars

*I received an advanced review copy of this book through Netgalley*

Can we start with the cover? Because it's a work of beauty. I would hang that on my wall, no lie.

More importantly! This book. Oh, I loved this book. I am fascinated by anything to do with dreams (though they also kind of freak me out) and a YA fantasy book about dreams? That's really all I knew about it, but it was enough!

Livia is a dreamstrider, the only one as far as she knows. This means she can go into the dream world, called Oneiros, which only select few (mainly the priests to the Dreamer) can do. What's even more unusual is that she can dreamstride, take over other people's bodies in the real world while they dream. This makes Livia the perfect spy -- or it should at least.

I have to say what really made me love this book so much is the world. I've never read anything like it, everything little thing felt new and unique. I loved the idea that their god (basically) was the Dreamer and their devil (again, basically) was Nightmare. Just, think about that for a moment, how can it not intrigue you?

Dreamstrider really brings it with its amazing world and premise. There's secrets, deception, greed, lots of bad things, and so much espionage! I'm not the biggest fan of espionage/political fantasy type books but I was so intrigued by the world and plot, so in love with the characters, I completely forgot that it wasn't my favorite thing.

The characters! Ah, as if I didn't love enough about this book already. Livia is not your average main character who's the chosen one and good at everything. As far as she can tell, she's not really good at much. Even Dreamstridering. She's convinced the Dreamer gave her this gift for a reason but she's also plagued with doubts and memories of all her past failures. She's flawed and uncertain and such a well-written character.

I admit, I have a ship or two, not going to say who but there's plenty of moments for subtle swooning. The romance never takes over the plot and there isn't even a wisp of insta love.

I'm having a hard time writing a coherent review... Just know you should go and read it as soon as possible okay?

I know what you're thinking, if I loved this so much, why the half star? Well, I did love it and once I got into it I was really into it. I wanted to drown myself in this world and characters. But parts were slow and it dragged just a little in the beginning and middle. And for once I wanted the romance to pick up, okay!?

Overall: I really enjoyed this one. It's a great fantasy novel and I was not disappointed by the dream related things that I was so looking forward to. Highly recommended!