A review by corrie
Every Waking Hour by Paisley Smith


Okay, so I really love this book. I think this has to be my favorite Paisley Smith so far.
The themes are dark, there is plenty of drama, the heartship of losing yourself to an alcoholic. The love that does not dare speak it's name in a small Southern town in the 50ies. I loved it all!

English professor Della Boyd lives and works in Rome, Alabama - the birthplace of famous writer and Pulitzer Prize winner Grayson Garland. Della has been a life-long fan of the writer and even though Garland has long since left Alabama to live the fast life in California, Della has chosen this small Southern town to work and live to feel close to her idol.

The death of her father brings Grayson back to Rome and Cypress Bend, the Garland estate. Gray hates every minute of it, too many bad memories haunt this place and she can't wait to go back to California. But she hasn't been doing well lately. Inspiration to write her next best seller has dried up, she has money problems and her heavy drinking and subsequent brawling gets her into trouble.
Intent on selling the ancestral home, Grayson needs to spend the summer in Rome to get her affairs in order. That's how she meets Della.

Grayson is not what Della expected her to be. They get off on the wrong foot but Grayson can't help but be amused by the prim and proper professor. She is so pretty, so feminine. And Della can't help but fall for this androginous beauty in man's clothing who gives her feelings no man was ever able to provoke.

Della gives in and gets sucked into an illicit affair, the taboo of being a lesbian can ruin her good name and career. Gray's tortured past and her heavy drinking piles on the heartship. Can her love endure, knowing her past with an alcoholic, abusive father almost ruined her.

I highly recommend!

f/f explicit

Themes: Lawd but the sexytimes are hawt, drama-rama, shades of Ava Gardner, swoon worthy classic 50ies women make me weak in the knees, I never knew I was a lesbian until a Pulitzer Prize winner went down on me and showed me heaven, Gray must have a liver the size of Kansas, OMG give Della a statue already.

5 stars

update May 4, 2018 - Did a re-read to record it into an audiobook for a friend. Had quite a bit of acting to do to bring all the drama to life ;-)

Still 5 stars.