A review by cat_theodore
The Wicked Prince by Claire Contreras


If the author was looking for redemption after the cringe fest that was Elias' story, this wasn't it.

Playboy hero who sleeps around instead of confessing his feelings for the heroine. Heroine who falls for the hero's act, and spends years in the sidelines watching him bone any woman he encounters. Everyone and their mother warns the heroine to stay away from the hero, but she ignores it in spite her better judgement. Does that sound familiar to you? Well, perhaps because the author recycled bits and pieces from Elias' book, added a splash of poorly executed drama copy+pasted from Pilar's story and called it a day.

Let's break it down:
– Boring main characters and even more annoying secondary characters;

– All-over-the-place plot line, too fast-paced;

– Underdeveloped tropes (like where the heck was the fake dating I was promised???), as well as problems with no final resolution;

– The existence of Amaris' grown ass kid that The Queen hid from him for years and no one even bats an eyelid at her behavior/ motive;

– The unnecessary baby mama drama that was more contra productive than anything. Why the need to pin Esmee and Joslyn against each other, when the same trope was so well-executed in Pilar's book? But mostly, why make all the women in town look like sex slaves, programmed to only serve and please the kings? WHAT WAS THE REASON??

Instead of whatever that was with Esmee, and the adicional drama with Daniel, I wish the author had opted to explore Aramis' vulnerable side. I quite liked him (when he wasn't a brainless fuckboy), and I think diving into his self-consciousness of letting women see him after the accident, contrasted to the happiness he felt when he was able to be with Joslyn without being scared of what she might think of his body would have been elevated the story.