A review by kazza27
On Hampstead Heath by Marika Cobbold


Thorn is going through a tough time, her married has broken down and now her career that she treasured has been replaced by a role that she does not want.

She has given herself fully to journalism, in some cases overly, and she can’t understand the new world of digital news and click bait. Drowning her sorrows with her ex, Nick he shows her a photo that he took of an angel on a bridge, the image is not all it seems but she is so inspired by it that she goes home and writes a story for ‘The Bright Side’ the new publication she has been made to work on and sends it over to her new boss Mira.

She can’t really remember doing this as she was quite drunk and it’s only when she arrives at the office she finds out that she has created a bit of a social media frenzy. Everyone wants to know more about the ‘angel’ and so does she. She locates him and its through this side of the story which I don’t want to disclose to much of we delve into Thorn’s life, including her relationship with her mother Nancy which is not a harmonious one. Her journey to find her ‘angel’ brings unexpected challenges to Thorn and also

This book made me laugh so many times and I really had not expected that. When she visits her mother and she has a visitor Joan Pyke who really is something else. This was my first book by the author but I absolutely loved the sharp wit, humour and realness of the book. I enjoyed the strong women friendships in the book, which compensate Thorn for her own relationship with her mother.

This book had me engrossed really early on and I really felt for Thorn, she really is passionate about her job and is devastated by her employers action and this causes her to do somethings that go against the very thing that she holds true. She tries her hardest to remedy this, although funny in places, the book also really moving as we discover the stories behind the people and I really loved this really gradual uncovering of the story. So much packed into a little book of just over 200 pages.

5 stars ***** for an unique and special read.