A review by allisonschoneschmetterling
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Couldn’t put it down. Even though it’s gruesome at times in discussing girlhood, there’s a lot of honesty there. How cruel girls can be and how the sickness of cruelty can spiral out of control. Also a lot of brutal honesty in mother - daughter relationships despite this obviously depicting something horribly toxic and abusive. There are aspects of every day truths despite the outlandish lifestyle of Amma (all those drugs and all that sex just at 13!) and it really grounds this story in its small-town horror. Really just a very good book. Was worried it would be too crime-procedural but it wasn’t at all. Was surprised at some of the more graphic sexual content. And the ending is fantastic, obviously (see: Gone Girl) Flynn is the queen of twists that feel raw and authentic. Nothing cheap, nothing out of nowhere. My only complaint is the ending (like last chapter or two) feels rushed even compared to the pretty quick pace of the rest of the story. I’d have loved some more time with Amma and Camille as everything came to an end.

I also like that Richard was just a total dick in the end. If he had been a savior, “I love you despite your cuts and mental illness” it would have felt so cheap. The men in this book are so useless and Miss Flynn is so real for that