A review by lenemsl
Bone Harvest by James Brogden

Did not finish book. Stopped at 45%.
I was intrigued by the consept of a woman with dementia seeing her long since dead friend, and how it would tie into a cult. Unfortunately the description of the book got me interested in a story I didnt really get. The first fifth were about people I had no clue how would tie into the description that had caught my attention, and I honestly couldnt care less about them, just plowing trough it to get to Dennie. But when we finally got around to her I just couldnt help but wish that the cult was a mystery we unraveled with her, instead of already having all the answers, knowing what was real and not, so the dementia part didnt really build an unreliable narrator, as much as a frustrated and confused woman who always knew less than the reader. I dont think the book is nessesarily bad, it was just not the book I was promised, and it kept annoying me and making me wish for a story closer to the actual synopsis.