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A review by kazters
Bewilderment by Richard Powers


Theo is a Astrobiologist his son robin is 9 when we meet them at first. It’s easily argued and implied that robin is on the asd spectrum. He is very clever loves animals and birds and cares about the planet more than most grown ups. Alyssa ( Theo’s beloved wife and robins mum) has passed away and they are trying to put life back together in the only way the know how. Science is life to theo and robin which in (although not stated by name is clearly Trump’s America). The school want to medicate robin his dad didn’t so he takes up an offer from a friend of his late wife to train with robin. Through this robins behaviour changes in ways no one could have predicted.
I found both Theo and robin characters I really cared about. I was learning constantly in this book. It’s not just a book about a boy with an asd it’s fathers and sons, husbands and wives and what it takes to make us human and really care about the world. By the end I was in tears .