A review by mbenzz
The Honk and Holler Opening Soon by Billie Letts


This was the first book by Billie Letts I have read, and I will definitely be reading more. This was such a good book! This is a classic story of small-town Southern living. Chaney, a disabled Vietnam war vet, works and lives at The Honk and Holler Opening Soon, in Oklahoma. He and Molly O, his mother figure from childhood with her own very difficult teenage daughter Brenda, keep the joint going, but things have slowed down considerably in the 12 years it's been open.

Then, in one day walks Vena Takes Horse. A fiery woman with no particular place she calls home. After some heavy persuading, she starts working at The Honk, and soon the place is booming (I never really understood why all of a sudden the place went from dead to packed, which is why I gave it 4 1/2 stars). Vena starts to feel more and more at home as she becomes closer with Chaney and Molly O, but you can't help wondering if she's gonna stay or flee into the night as she's so prone to do.

We also get to know Bui Khan, a Vietnamese man who has come to America to find a nice, safe place to settle down with his wife, who is still in Vietnam. Bui comes to work at the Holler as well, and soon, we're reading about all the funny, quirky, painful, and touching things this very unlikely foursome get themselves into. This book shows us that no matter how different some people may be from one another if you take the time to get to know them, you can learn some very valuable things from them. I highly recommend this book, and can't wait to read more by this author.