A review by achoward
The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed by Wendy Lower


In 2009, Wendy Lower (author of Hitler’s Furies , another worthy book to add to your TBR list) comes across a photo from Miropol, Ukraine: a woman, toddler in her arms, baby at her feet, being shot by a Ukrainian collaborator during operations in that country during WWII. The title refers to the ravine into which people fell after being executed for no reason other than they were not part of the so-called "master race".

What follows is an excellent, although horrifying read, of Lower's investigation into this photo. This entails records retrieved in various countries - the US, Ukraine, Germany, and Israel - talking with people and/or potential witnesses, and eventually spans ten years to finally identify the doomed family as well as the Slovakian photographer who was not supposed to be taking pictures of these operations.

If you're at all interested in the Holocaust or the European Theater of Operations during WWII, you'll likely be as engrossed in this book as I was, even given - or especially because of the book's subject, something no one should ever forget.

Five out of five stars.

Thanks to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and NetGalley for the review copy.