A review by engpunk77
The Lily Cupboard: A Story of the Holocaust by Shulamith Levey Oppenheim


This story does touch on the concept of being in hiding, as the protagonist is a Jewish "hidden child", separated from her family to live with gentiles for safety. It never does tell you what happens to her parents or if they ever reunite, and the symbolism is a bit confused.

The child refuses to go into the lily cupboard to hide without her rabbit, who she insists must stay with her. She compares her heroic act, almost completely foiling the plan for the sake of the rabbit, to her parents' heroic act of keeping HER safe with this family. But, her parents DIDN'T keep her with them, so the symbolism is all skewed.

The actual act of being hidden in the cupboard with the Nazis visiting the family was so brief and under-characterized that I ended up reading this story without emotion.

I don't really recommend this for a holocaust study, unless the audience is like 6 years old.