A review by emaybury
The Viral Underclass: The Human Toll When Inequality and Disease Collide by Steven W. Thrasher


I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in building a world rooted in love, respect, and care for all living beings. This is a fantastic introduction to the social determinants of health and balances intricate concepts with touching personal narrative.

Dr. Thrasher reflects on various examples of viruses exposing inequalities, and the COVID-19 pandemic is a central theme in the explanation of his viral underclass theory. With this said, it’s been disappointing to see maskless photos of the author at recent actions and protests. In 2024 we know that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne and transmissible outdoors. Opposing genocide is fundamental to challenging our current relationship with viruses, and forgoing mitigation efforts at crowded events filled with individuals who are already closer to/part of the underclass he so thoughtfully defends feels counterproductive at best.

Dr. Thrasher’s ongoing activism and reporting will only be strengthened by modeling mask wearing and community care at actions that are so deeply interconnected with the entirety of this excellent book.