A review by moncherie
Never Ever by Sara Saedi


I haven't read the original story of Peter Pan and it's been years since I've watched the movie so I basically went into this story without knowing anything. With that being said, I can't speak for the retelling aspect of the book.

However, I will say that I really enjoyed the story, particularly the second half of the book where they've arrived at Minor Island. I found that the description of the island is not overly done where it gets confusing, areas of the island that are highlighted in the book serve their purpose to the plot nicely.

The story is told through a third person POV, which works wonderfully as it makes a seamless transition between events that happened in Minor Island and Mainland.

Wiley is pictured as a strong-willed girl that is not afraid to voice her opinions and as a caring sister to her two younger brothers. Those traits are really prominent as they are continuously shown throughout the book. Her expressions and responses to events are realistically depicted.

Phinn's traits are portrayed very well from early on in the book. He's expected to be fun, charming, and adored, those are exactly what we're getting from him all throughout the book up until near the ending. Constant depiction of those traits really made the twist played out more exciting.

Joshua's character is presented and explained well, whereas Micah's character I feel like can be elaborated further. He is told to have an anxiety disorder that is explained pretty well, but as the story goes I don't think he got enough character development. At some point in the book there were obvious changes in his behaviour and on how he handled things but it was briefly touched on and there wasn't much information on the background.

All in all, this book was a really enjoyable read. I literally flew through this book like a mad woman.