A review by pine_wulf
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two A: The Greatest Science Fiction Novellas of All Time Chosen by the Members of The Science Fiction Writers of America by Ben Bova


Not rereading Time Machine or Baby is Three, the latter of which is fantastic.

I kept this book at work for awhile and only read when I had some time. I only read four stories during that time, and then life changed and this got set on the shelf for a few years because I kept getting distracted by everything else. Those four are: Call Me Joe and Who Goes There? which I really liked, The Marching Morons which I liked and was funny, and The Ballad of Lost C'Mell which I wasn't as impressed by.

More recently:

Nerves - This was OK. Nothing really stuck out to me about it.
Universe - This was really interesting and I liked the idea of how society might evolve if they forget they're living in a generational spaceship dealie.
Vintage Season - I didn't really care for this one until the end.
...And Then There Were None - Very amusing!
With Folded Hands - Liked this one a lot.