A review by kittyg
The Little Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff


I watched someone else reading out this book because it was a limited edition giveaway at the launch event. You can find it read out on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTU0m2Q8oc4&feature=relmfu

This is a very simple children's book which is a companion for the Stormdancer book. It takes the same story and drastically simplifieds it down into a short, beautifully illustrated story. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting the first story and seeing the super cute visuals. The art has a kind of watercolour feeling and it's also very simple. The colours are sweet and the story comes to life with the images.

It's an extremely short story, the video is only 2mins, but it's certainly a worthwhile watch if you've read Stormdancer and enjoyed it. I wouldn't read it before reading Stormdancer otherwise you'll spoil that, but it's so sweet and cute I'd give it a good 4* rating. Recommended! Nice idea to add to the launch event!