A review by loverofromance
Pure Ecstasy by Aja James


Pure Ecstasy is the seventh installment in the Pure Dark Ones series. I was so thrilled to return back to this series and this author. There is something about the writing style of Aja James that just works so much for me and this installment is evidence of the talented capabilities of this author. Its been a while since I have read this series so I just grabbed this book and started delving into it.

From the beginning, I wasn't sure how this story could be redeemed for me if I am being honest. This type of heroine normally doesn't work for me, but somehow this author worked her magic with her because there were these quiet moments of character growth that just grew on me and had me drawn to her even more and more. Now our hero, is a different story. There is something so honorable about him that you can't help but love him instantly. He just has such a good heart and intentions and the way that he is so devoted to his love just had me wanting to give him a hug. He has such quiet strength that you don't see too often in the PNR genre. There is the manner in his patience that is what really worked for the story. The heroine you do need to be patient with, because she has SO much to learn, but with Seth, she is able to learn her way through it all. He is such a strong and steady influence on her, that she begins to see the "light" as it were and its done in such a heartfelt way that just moved me deeply. I am beyond impressed with the way in which this author was able to write this story here. I couldn't seem to get enough of this one here, and am eager to get back to this series and see what happens next because I have to say the teaser that the author left behind on the ending, has me itching for more!

Overall I found Pure Ecstasy to be a brilliant installment that swept me deeply into the story, evoked powerful emotions and stuns the reader from beginning to end! SIMPLY A TANTALIZING GEM!