A review by ladywestfall
All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover


"If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim."

SpoilerColleen Hoover is the only author who can put me through feelings and moments that I shouldn't even be experiencing at this point in my life. All throughout the whole experience of reading this book, I am in as much pain as Graham and Quinn. My heart hurt so much for both of them and I'm just thinking how incredible of an author Colleen is to be able to make me live through that in a span of hours. It was truly life changing.

I cannot stress enough or even think of the perfect word to describe the amount of love I have for Graham Wells. Will Colleen ever stop creating such relatable and lovable characters? This just makes my standards of man even higher (jk). Reading about Graham kind of reminded me of Ben from November 9. Most likely because of his personality, I think. His situation also reminded me of another Ben from the book, Arsen. (Why are there so many fictional Ben anyway?) I have felt so sorry for him the entire time and if he was real, I would've loved to hug him and cradle him forever. But more than the pity, I loved him more because of how hard he tried during the worst of his marriage, of how strong he was, of how selfless he was, and on how much love he was capable of. I just—I cannot fathom how he was able to do it. I know it was fictional and all but in reading this book, I felt like I've lived through it and experienced being Quinn so it felt like he was my Graham and he was with me. That scene where Graham was kicking the car while shouting, "I love you" to Quinn got me crying so bad. You can really feel all the built up frustration on proving his wife just how much he loves her even if it's hurting them both. The whole experience is just both painful and enlightening for me.

I know I am the least that should be empathizing with Quinn because I have not experienced any of these things. Relationships and all. More so things about pregnancy. But I can clearly understand Quinn's point of view. She just lost sight of what's important and I'm glad that Graham never gave up on her. Being unable to conceive is a woman's worst insecurity. And I have learned so much upon reading this book. Having a child doesn't measure you as a woman. Being unable to bear a child shouldn't make you less of a person. Quinn have suffered so much thinking that being a mother is the only thing that would make her and Graham happy but what she failed to notice is that, this has never been the case with Graham and there were far more things that she can do. We should never let that one flaw define who we are because there is more to us. There is more to Quinn and her life doesn't stop just because she cannot be a mother. Such an inspiring thought.

I am not great at reviews but all I can say is that Graham and Quinn surely changed my whole perspective of marriage. Their marriage is far from perfect but they were able to conquer the hurdles that came their way because they have each other. I also adore their relationship so much. I LOVE WHEN GRAHAM ASKS HER ABOUT HER DREAMS IN THE MORNING AND I LOVE HOW WEIRD THEY ARE!! I also love the circumstance of when they met and how clearly fate worked but it was their love that carried them through.

I am so glad that this was HEA. Though the resolution felt a little convenient or rushed? THEY SHOULD'VE OPENED THAT BOX EARLIER!! But it's true, communication is the key. I'm glad Graham had all those thoughts and feelings laid out on the letter and Quinn actually gave in because I was beginning to get frustrated as well. I was actually afraid that Colleen will turn this tragically until the end and that I would spend the following weeks bawling my eyes out.

I am not sure how Colleen does it but here we are again, another 5 star rating for her! You are amazing, Colleen, and I thank you for this book. ❤