A review by lcmarie19
Surviving Ice by K.A. Tucker


**This book was given to me in exchange for my honest review**

Another action-packed, emotional, drama filled read from Tucker. For the longest time, if you've been following my reviews for Tucker's books, I've been feeling a bit unfulfilled with her books. Specifically when it came to the endings. While I can say that I enjoyed this book more than most, I enjoyed it a tad less than BURYING WATER #3.

This story follows young tattoo artist and her journey with trying to stay alive after she witnesses a heinous crime against her uncle. Through an encounter with a certain mysterious man (Ice or Sebastian), she aims to figure out who committed the crime, while trying to figure out what to do with the rest of her life. But this mysterious man throws her a bit of wrench in her plans.

As I mentioned, I had a really great time with this story. I liked Ivy and I liked the supporting characters. I enjoyed Sebastian, as well. The characters worked well together. The dynamic was very strong and there was an extremely strong plot to go along with the strength of the characters. If there is one thing that I will say that K.A. Tucker does well, it's that she is able to make the reader interested in something other than the romance between the characters. I actually found myself worried for certain characters throughout the book. I wanted to know more about them and how they were going to get out of various situations.

But, of course, because I am a hopeless romantic, I still was all about the chemistry between our main characters, Ivy and Sebastian. And I liked it. I thought their story was fairly believable -- for the most part. It didn't feel too rush and I did roll my eyes at any point. If I did roll my eyes, it was due to some of the secret keeping and the decision making on the part of certain characters.

The plot progressed in a way that allowed me to relax enough to trust that Tucker wouldn't throw a curve ball at me at anytime throughout the book. I think the plot, though very interesting, was also quite predictable. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. I liked actually being able to pretty much determine what was going to happen before it happened.

Overall, I was pretty happy with the story. While it didn't wow me as much as the book before this -- I was SO emotionally invested in that story -- I really feel that with each book that Tucker comes out with and that I read, I begin to like what she's doing more and more. And I look forward to more from her.