A review by booksamongstfriends
Saints of the Household by Ari Tison


If you’ve been sleeping on the YA section, this will surely wake you up.

"Saints of the Household" is a captivating and emotionally resonant YA novel that deftly navigates themes of family, identity, and personal growth. Taking place in a small town, the story follows brothers Jay and Max, whose lives are shaped by the ptsd and trauma of their relationship with their abusive father. When they find themselves in a violent incident involving a star classmate and family friend, their actions start a journey that challenge their beliefs, dreams, and the very essence of who they are.

What struck me most about this novel is its emotional depth and pacing. It's a slow burn of emotional reckoning and coming-of-age, perfectly paced to draw readers into the characters' journey. Tison's portrayal of community and cultural heritage adds layers of authenticity to the story as well. The brothers' interactions within their community highlight the importance of support, culture, and resilience.

It’ll be a new format of reading to some, as the narrative unfolds through alternating perspectives that plunge into the brothers' inner worlds via verse and entries. It’s done in such an artistic expression that any reader would feel directly connected to the characters pain. Max and Jay both grapple with mental health challenges, experiencing lows that they must navigate and overcome. Their bond as brothers is tested, but through their individual struggles, they ultimately grow into their true selves, shedding the limitations that held them back. Jay's concise and intense vignettes mirror his overwhelming responsibilities and fierce loyalty to his family. In contrast, Max's poetic verses, while passionate, reflect his inner chaos and struggle to reconcile different parts of himself. Through these distinct voices, Tison masterfully portrays the complexities of adolescence and the intricate path for self-discovery.

Definitively, Saints is a must-read for anyone seeking a compelling story of resilience, family dynamics, and the journey toward self-acceptance. Don’t forget to check out the YA section too you guys!