A review by adreanna_readz
Ruthless Kingdom by C. Lymari, Becca Steele


This book really brought you all the feelings it was dark and emotional and suspenseful and everything in between and I loved every single minute of it!

The way that the book started after being left on a cliffhanger from the second book was great the fact that you think something happened worse to the boneyard kings when in fact well technically something bad did happen but it’s not what you expected it to be and the tables have turned for them but they fight and they win even at the cost of their morals.

The way Everly is a bad ass! I love that girl she’s not meek and she was able to handle herself in many bad positions multiple times with her uncle and also with the chief of police! And then again with a tail hot on her ass! And let’s not forget the way she handles her men! They worship her and she has them hot for her but the same way she’s hot for them and they are on the same playing field she is their queen the way they are her kings! And the heat in the bedroom is undeniably everything any girl could wish for. The way everly helps figure out all the clues to bring down the bad men is everything.

Let’s start with callum he’s what you’d consider the leader of the pack he’s the more level headed one. Callum can melt an ice cream on a cold day both with his attitude his control and his body! He handles everything with ease including his girl. The way he loves his brothers was really something I loved about the story too their background and the fact that they made a family for themselves well that was great.

Not saint! He’s the silly one he makes everyone laugh he brings joy especially in the dark times when it was hard to get through even after hours of researching to unravel the plans of the highest men in their city! He’s hot smart mouthy but he’s so sweet and he handles his family with care he would take on the world for them the same way they would him and he’s a swimmer with a swimmers bod!

Now mateo he’s a hard ass but he’s got everyone in mind and he’s a good mix between callum and saint but he’s just as amazing and he loves everly the same way he’s moody and he’s a hard hitter he’s got dark inner Turmoil but he’d take everything on his back alone if it meant his brothers and his girl never had to see it. These men and their girl bring down the worst of the men and they avenge their best friend and their father figure and it couldn’t have been a better conclusion!