A review by daiinty
King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard


“Those who know what it's like in the dark will do anything to stay in the light.” — Victoria Aveyard

this book really felt like the accumulation of everything we were building towards in red queen and glass sword. mixing a story of survival with the political and tactical chessboard, aveyard has successfully built us up to the precursor that will be the final battle. in a way, the battle at the end of the novel almost gave me that feeling with how everything seemed to come full circle, foes becoming allies against a mutual enemy.

mare goes through an extreme amount of character development in this book. the trauma she endures at the hands of maven not only changes her entirely, but forces her to look at her past decisions and their consequences quite differently. she is no longer plowing headfirst into this war with no thought but victory, she is trying to retain the parts of her that we’re left in the stilts.

i think my biggest criticism about this series in general – but it really comes up in this book – is that i’m just not convinced about the romance between mare and cal. when mare is reunited with the scarlet guard i was much more moved by the scene where she sees her family again than i was with her reunion with cal. i almost didn’t really care. the intimate scenes that follow didn’t really convince me either i think because the build up was so lackluster for me. i like them together, don’t get me wrong, but i think i’ve just seen romance done a little more convincingly. overall i would still recommend this series to people, obviously i’ve stuck around this long and definitely plan to finish up the series by the end of the year.