A review by nathanaeljs
Doctor Who: 12 Doctors 12 Stories by Eoin Colfer


A bit of an uneven collection, with some of the stories for earlier Doctors reading somewhat on the generic side. It does pick up the further you get into it, especially once you reach the NuWho Doctors.

Some highlights:

Patrick Ness's Fifth Doctor story, which places the Doctor and his companion in the background for most of the story and focuses on the human characters who get caught up in the latest round of alien weirdness.

Derek Landy's Tenth Doctor story sets Martha and the Doctor against bad English children's fiction and it is utterly delightful. Martha and Ten were a great pairing too frequently bogged down in the show with Ten's Rose angst and Martha's unrequited crush. This story skips all of that and glories in their banter and chemistry and it's easily my favorite.

Neil Gaiman's Eleventh Doctor story has easily the best villain of the collection in the Kin, an intensely creepy foe that I would have loved to see in an episode. This story might have been my favorite except Amy feels oddly flat in this, reduced mainly to being the shouty Scottish girl and not much else.

Holly Black's Twelfth Doctor story is Twelve at his most Twelviest, scary eyebrows and brusquely kind. I'm still mourning the loss of Peter Capaldi's Doctor despite being excited for Thirteen, so I very much appreciated this one.