A review by sunnys_shelf
Lucky by Rachel Edwards


3.5 stars. Let me start by saying wow, this book stressed me out--in a good way! The story follows Etta, who is a woman in her thirties living in England. Etta and her boyfriend, Ola, have been together for years, and a Etta has been waiting for a proposal. But Ola insists that they need to save 30,000 pounds for a down payment on a house before they can even think about getting engaged. Etta is tired of waiting and decides that she is going to try her luck with an online bingo website, hoping to win some extra cash to push up the timeline.

Soon Etta has spiraled into a full blown gambling addiction. I thought Edwards did a wonderful job of getting into Etta's head as she is sinking deeper and deeper into her addiction. I felt for her and was right there feeling the highs and lows of her wins and losses. I said to my husband multiple times when reading this that I'm so glad we don't gamble because I couldn't handle that stress.

I thought this book was great and well written. I was captivated early on and couldn't wait to see what would happen to Etta. My main criticism, which affected my rating, was I felt like the story ended abruptly. The plot twists were interesting, and I would have liked to see those twists play out a little more.