A review by olive2read
The Hellion Bride by Catherine Coulter


This is a rape story - pure and simple. Reader beware! Forcing her to take it cuz it's good for her and you love her makes it no less rape. Bewildering really - the first book in this series was misogynistic but only mildly, this one is blatant. Ugh and painting him to be such a sympathetic character, an upstanding guy truly - loves and rescues children for gods' sake - and the bullshit about how normally he's such a good lover but she gets him so hot that he has to be brutal with her. Is that victim blaming supposed to be sexy in some way? He has total power over her, it's even kind of played up as a joke since clearly he'd never abuse that power - except when he constantly does, of course. Then she can't help but be totally in love with him - her saviour. Total tripe and insulting.