A review by readbooks_eatapples
What a Lady Needs for Christmas by Grace Burrowes


I love Grace Burrowes. I am rereading everything I have access to of hers, as they truly are a comfort,and I somehow missed this one on the first round. Her books are a comfort and tend to be joyful in a quiet way, with at least semi-realistic events and a minimum of histrionics. This book is as character-driven as always, with genuine affection and humor among the people. Everyone has flaws, but everyone is at least somewhat likeable.

You really do have to read the earlier books in the series for this to make sense. You'll be really confused otherwise. One thing I loved: the characters don't have SUPER AMAZING MIND-BLOWING SEX from moment one. There are a few unsatisfactory attempts before they have mutual pleasure, which rings true, for both men and women who have a lot on their minds.

Another thing I loved: Spathfoy is presented as a bit of a jerk. I liked his story a lot, but it was rosy, in that his flaws were seen in a positive light. Here, he is just kind of a jerk for a while, and he's called out on it repeatedly. Her secondary (and tertiary) stories are enjoyable, even if they do get a bit confusing and overshadowed at times. I wasn't as invested as I could have been in Hector's story, for example, and would have enjoyed a novella.