A review by evarano
An Honest Lie by Tarryn Fisher


An Honest Lie follows Rainy, who recently moved to a cliquey area amongst her boyfriend's friends. Rainy's a bit different from the other women in the group, she's an artist, quiet, keeps to herself, and has many past secrets that no one knows about, not even her boyfriend. She's convinced by her boyfriend to go with a couple gals to Las Vegas, although the area harbours deep secrets for her.

This was okay! I did enjoy it mostly, and it kept me reading, but it felt a bit disjointed. I really loved Summer's parts in the past, that story was so interesting and not similar to anything I've ever read. Rainy's parts in the present were okay, but a lot of it really felt like immature drama bullshit, especially in regard to her "friend" group, and it didn't connect well enough to the past (Summer). It just felt very random and I had no idea where it was going. The ending was just too unbelievable for me, how did a certain person know she was there...make that connection, etc. It went on too long and I wish Summer's part was expanded on better. Rainy's choices really didn't make sense to me, especially at the end.
P.S. How do you pronounce Braithe? Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.