A review by megangetssocial
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless Customer Loyalty Is Priceless: How to Make Customers Love You, Keep Them Coming Back and Tell Everyone They Know by Jeffrey H. Gitomer

informative fast-paced


Another book written by a mediocre white man shouting at us.

About 1 chapter in, I had to double check that this wasn't written by Dave Ramsey. The tone of voice and constant regurgitation of the same points just more boldly, sure seemed like it was a Dave Ramsey book. At first glance, the quirky font choices seemed interesting, but 5 mins in, it was just hard to read. It's apparent the author didn't have much to say, but need to book to look bigger so increased the font to a ludicrous size. While I agree that customer loyalty is important, we have a marketplace filled with entitled customers who think it's okay to scream and throw fits to get their way. I won't run a business in any way that contributes to that nonsense. I won't normalize adult tantrums. Save your money and skip this book.