A review by martyfried
Nexus by Ramez Naam


This has a little of everything - action fighting, philosophy, human interaction, a little sex here and there, but so far, it's not really excelling at any of them, to me. It seems like it's trying to push certain ways of thinking about what it is to be human, and whether we should embrace the ability to become super humans or cloned humans.

So far, it's still hard to tell who are the good guys and bad guys. One group is the US government fighting against drugs that give people more power. They come off as realists in the beginning, but toward the end, they begin to look like tyrants.

On the other side are scientists and idealists who think only good will come from their efforts. They seem a bit naive to me, so far. All in all, it's got the flavor of the Star Wars movies, except that the force is a sort of drug, called Nexus.

I think the second part will tell whether this is an exceptional or so-so book.