A review by litwithleigh
Overkill by Sandra Brown


Thank you Grand Central Publishing for the physical ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.

2.5 rounded up to a 3


When Eban Clarke gets out of jail on good behaviour, former Superbowl MVP Zach Bridger is forced to make a seemingly impossible decision: pull the plug on his comatose ex-wife so Eban can be retired on murder, or let an abuser go free.


The book didn't bother me but it didn't impress me. Literally nothing happened lmao. This is my first book by Sandra Brown and I didn't realize the romance element would be so prevalent. Most of the "action", if you could call it that, was about the sexual tension between grumpy Zach and Kate the prosecutor. The "thriller" component was mostly just rehashing the scenario again and again and again and ... you get it... until the final act. The only thrills that occurred were in Zach's pants every time Kate was in his line of sight. He was RELENTLESSLY horny.

Be warned if you are spice-averse, there is a solid amount of spicy writing. I mean the book ends with a literal orgasm. I'm not joking. He cream-pies her and then thinks "I'm saved." The end. So yeah. I'm not a regular spice reader (tbh I avoid it like the plague and I don't expect it in thriller/mysteries) but I learned plenty of new sexual innuendos for certain body parts such as: her sensitivity, cleft (*vomit*), thick column, that pleasure point, the soft giving femininity (*projectile vomit*) etc...

The characters were caricatures. Eban (WTF kind of name is this LOL looks like a typo) was the ultimate spoiled, forever-frat boy. Zach was the typical strong, silent, and sporty type you wouldn't be surprised to see shirtless wearing a cowboy hat on the cover of a harlequin romance novel at your local grocery store. And Kate was the delicate, determined, do-gooder lawyer who calls her father "daddy" like every southern belle should. No one had any depth, but it suited the vibe of the book so whatever.

I'm always a little thrown when characters have such robust and old-fashioned vocabulary that is a stark contrast to their personality. I admit my vocab is very limited to bangerlicious, banger, and other variants of said word, but I doubt small-town southern men in their early 30s are using folderol on the reg.

Anyways. Was my rating generous? Perhaps. But this book is clearly written for a lazy sunday when you wanna set your brain on auto-pilot or you wanna bring something to the beach that allows you to have one eye on your kid who for some unknown reason LOVES to eat sand. Yeet your disbelief out the window, sit back, and mindlessly wander through this Nicholas Sparks esque book.


Pros: mindless read, didn't annoy tf outta me, learned some new words, straightforward premise

Cons: too much spice for me, literally ended with raw dog orgasm, repetitive at times, thrills/suspense equivalent to a tea cup ride at Disney