A review by elizalicart
Rift by Andreas Christensen


A fascinating dystopian society undersold by its writing.

The flaws of this book were apparent from the beginning. For the most part, Rift is told through largely filtered and infodumped paragraphs from either of two protagonist's points of view (or a third intermittent character). I regularly felt the need to rush through much of those pages in order to reach the action, but it never came. It isn't a particularly immersive writing style, and many times I found myself disappointed that I was merely told that something had happened, rather than shown it taking place. This meant that, to me, the story lacked depth—of its settings, characters, and plot.

It's a shame, because the idea behind the story has great potential, and the world building was impressive. The plot was somewhat predictable, but it did engage me enough to want to know the secrets behind what was going on. And the occasional scene (where the author did bestow some grounding) did make my heart pound!

Will I pick up the next books in the series? It's unlikely. As much as I would like to know the fates of Sue, Dave, and the Covenant, I feel I would gain just as much enjoyment from reading a summary of the series than reading the books themselves.