A review by tometrinket
Kiss and Kill by Jeff Gelb


The Hot Blood series are tales of erotic horror, which is the best combination ever. When something as personal and sensitive as sex is mixed with horror, what could possible scare you shitless more? So I set out to explore them all, all 13 books of the series, thus Project Hot Blood.

First, some info about my rating system. The level of paranormal of each story is one to five, one meaning it surely can happen in real life, five meaning it’s utterly something paranormal. The level of sex describes how graphic is the sex in each story, one to five, one being tame a bedtime story told by a nun, five being a detailed script for a hardcore porn movie. My rating’s from one to ten, it’s based on the balance of horror and erotic, so getting five in ‘level of sex’ doesn’t automatically mean an above average rating from me. It’s based on the wtf-ness of the ending, how freaked out I am, how nightmare-generating it is. One being rubbish, ten being masterpiece. It’s time to move on to the eighth book in my Project Hot Blood. Let's begin.

Graham Masterton
And let’s start with a bang! The first story in book 8 of the Hot Blood series is a rather chilling tale from the time of war, about using sex as a desperate escape. Although it packed some supernatural elements, it does lean towards sad more than creepy. The sex was also surprisingly plentiful and also quite dirty. Not a bad start.
Length: 29 pages
Level of Sex: 4/5
My rating: 7 out of 10

Deidra Cox
Written in an unnecessarily cryptic way about supernatural so-called filth-eater, a creature that purges men from their sins with sex. The ending has a nice little twist to it, if only the rest of the story can be as gruesome as the ending.
Length: 11 pages
Level of Sex: 3/5
My rating: 6 out of 10

The 121st Day of Sodom
Brian Hodge
A nod to Marquis de Sade, the title sure is interesting. The 120 days of Sodom has a big reputation of its own in the kinky community, although I don’t think it’s that well-written. Anyways, this one is about putting torturing and unwilling slaves and their masters into the same category as consenting BDSM but I don’t judge it that much since it is a horror story after all. The short story doesn’t work as a stand-alone at all, I think it ended prematurely and this is just a premise for the real story but it ended when the story only just began.
Length: 22 pages
Level of Sex: 5/5 for its explicit nature
My rating: 6 out of 10

Graham Watkins
It’s actually a pretty entertaining story, albeit a little predictable. It’s about a male porn star looking to make a comeback so he went to an audition in a shady little factory like place that specilized in high-end sex dolls and does porn as a side-gig. Needless to say, he got sucked into some shady business (‘sucked in, heheh, get it? :P).
Length: 15 pages
Level of Sex: 3/5
My rating: 7 out of 10

Razorblade Valentines
Thomas S. Roche
The writing style was a little bit fancypants without the proper impact, the story is rather flimsy to warrant this style of writing. It’s almost soap-opera-y, with all the suicide-revenge-curse plot with a tiny bit of sexy times sprinkled in it. Nothing worth writing home about.
Length: 11 pages
Level of Sex: 2/5
My rating: 5 out of 10

Vampires of London
Rex Miller and Lynne Gauger
Well, the only saving grace was that at least it had the decency to be short, only 9 pages. Rather than an actual vampire, it was more like a vampire wannabe, with a side-portion of rough sex that was boring and blood drinking. The story, however, was all but destroyed by confusing metaphors and odd phrases.
Length: 9 pages
Level of Sex: 1/5
My rating: 3 out of 10

John B. Rosenman
This one I liked a lot! It’s about these succubus-like women who like to enslave men. It works almost like possession and the story did a great job capturing the process of it and also the exact moment when a possession took effect. I wish there would be more!
Length: 19 pages
Level of Sex: 3/5
My rating: 8 out of 10

Interstate 666
Max Allan Collins
I’m pretty fond of urban legends but this might just be one of the most uninteresting ones I’ve ever read. And also, the boring story really doesn’t warrant a multi-character story-telling style and so many goddamned pages, and there wasn’t even proper sex.
Length: 37 pages
Level of Sex: 1/5
My rating: 4 out of 10

The Healing Touch
Terry Campbell
About a nurse that has a thing for the abnormal or the deformed. She would offer them sexual favours, in her mind, she heals them in a different way. This particular story concentrated on a pair of young men, conjoined twins, and her trying to make them change their minds about separation surgery. I like how much backstory is given to our nurse and the detailed sex. It was actually not a scary story at all, unless you happen to think having sex with conjoined twins is disturbing. Hey I’m kinky, so that sounds hot to me. XD Right up in the end though, the story took a dark turn into a sinister territory, and I enjoy the little twist quite a bit.
Length: 12 pages
Level of Sex: 4/5
My rating: 7 out of 10

Death Fetish
T. Diane Slatton
I quite enjoyed this one, although I would have liked more details. The backstory of this certain fucked-up individual was fascinating, his history and relationships and him being into necrophilia. Guess that was pretty obvious from the story title.