A review by jscarpa14
The Guardian by Quinn Arthurs


So Not Fair

So a lot of this story is introducing characters and world building and Arthurs did a tremendously good job with that. I like that she's established who her romantic leads will be but not pushed them into Instalove, she's established attraction between them and noted what prophesies claim they'll be to each other, but the characters aren't just falling into line and saying if fate dictates it then I must be in love with this stranger I just met. As ridiculous as that sounds I've read it more times than I can count, so I appreciate that Arthurs doesn't go that route.

I like that Arthurs has established both a small conflict to be conquered in this story and a larger one to delved into over the course of the series, what I don't like and this is more a personal preference is that we get this small taste of the world and just as the big actions start to happen the book ends on am obnoxious cliffhanger.

While the book had a few typos, those were few and far between which I greatly appreciate as a reader. The cast of characters presented has been small allowing the author to make them distinctive and recognizable and the story is off to a well developed start. I can't wait to read more.