A review by maleficentknits
The New Black by Micaela Morrissette, Craig Wallwork, Benjamin Percy, Brian Evenson, Vanessa Veselka, Nik Korpon, Richard Thomas, Joe Meno, Craig Davidson, Stephen Graham Jones, Rebecca Jones-Howe, Lindsay Hunter, Laird Barron, Paul Tremblay, Tara Laskowski, Roxane Gay, Luke Spooner, Kyle Minor, Antonia Crane, Roy Kesey, Richard Lange, Craig Clevenger, Matt Bell


Received an email telling me I won a copy of this book to review back on 14 Mar 2014 but still nothing. I really would like to read this, if it ever finds its way into my library, home or public.

Well it took several weeks to receive my copy but it finally arrived, and as soon as I finished book I was reading at the time, I dove in. I have to say that this book surprised me with some hits and some misses. Most of these authors were not afraid to push boundaries and take that extra step as close to the edge as possible to darken the story, twist the knife, and make you realize that your life may not be so bad after all.

Stories that stood out for me:

Stephen Graham Jones' *Father, Son, Holy Rabbit* ~ Father and son caught out in a blizzard and the rabbit that saves them. I had my hopes up on just how this story should end and was not disappointed at all. And no, I'm not a *happily ever after* kind of gal.

Lindsay Hunter's *The Baby* ~ A incestuous family tale.

Kyle Minor's *The Truth and All its Ugly* ~ Family violence begets more violence with an unexpected surprise.

Benjamin Percy's *Dial Tone* ~ Telemarketers are people with feelings, too.

Roxane Gay's *How* ~ reminded me of those old *How Br'er Rabbit...* exploit stories,except this time we learn about how Hanna turns her life around.

Craig Davidson's *Rust and Bone* ~ brilliant mixture of a boxer at the end of his career reminisces his life and what he's learned.

Craig Wallwork's *Dollhouse* ~ Dollhouses always make me think of playing a god-like creature over others' lives.

Matt Bell's *Dredge* ~ Find drowned girl, put her in your deep freeze, find her murderer.

Not a bad mix at all. I'm glad I had the chance to read this book and I will definitely be looking out for some of the authors and what other little nuggets they have out there for me to read. I will definitely pass this book on for others to read.

Thank you for sending me your book to read, Mr. Thomas.