A review by will___to___flower
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad


One of the most - if not the most - incredibly written and told stories of the 20th century of all time. It perfectly encapsulates the dread of the unknown, and all that comes between it. If you want to read a book immaculate written, this is your go to.

Though you could perceive this book as racist, I think Conrad was trying to make a character that one in the very beginnings of the 1900s could relate to, and also try to offer a more compassionate, sympathetic perspective. That of which nailed right down and made for a spectacularly likable, yet seriously flawed - by today’s standards - character. I loved Marlow, not as a person, but a incredibly deeply conflicted character. Also, this book was the first to even acknowledge slavery in the Congo, and was the first to blow the whistle on it, so there’s that.

For whom is this book for necessarily? I think everyone should read it, no matter where you come from, everyone. It’s a book that you can get a lot out of; for historical context, the symbolism, the prose, etc etc... but be cautious with it. It’ll go 0-100 quick, and perhaps you’ll be left wondering what all it had meant. And also, be prepared for hefty amount of racial slurs against Africans, it’s terrible, but I think we can offer a much more nuanced perspective when we read into the racism that emanates from the pages. It’s tragic, yet it’s a harsh reality that was.


Edit: this book is racist. Forgot to reiterate!