A review by mamabearreading
Brave: The Junior Novelization by Irene Trimble


Last week I talked about how we have a special spot for Moana, because it was one of the first things Little Bear latched onto. Brave is the other one. Maybe because of Mommy’s red hair, maybe the colors, maybe the music. Whatever the reason, he absolutely loved, and still does love, that movie.
So as soon as I discovered that @yotoplay had a Brave card, I knew it had to be one of the first cards we got!

We absolutely love this audiobook!
The book is narrated by the actress Lucy Rayner, and she has the most wonderful accent. Little Bear can still understand everything she says, and her voice is just perfect for listening to for the almost 3 hour run time.
The book is adapted from the movie by Irene Trimble. She does an excellent job of really telling the story that we know and love in a whole new format.

If you aren’t familiar with Brave, it’s the story of a young woman who, in her ferver to not get married yet, foolishly and accidentally causes a curse to fall.
Merida and her mother travel far and back again in an effort to undo the curse and while doing so, learns that sometimes things are bigger than just herself…

5 out of 5 Little Bear Paws

Can get a little scary at moments, bear attacks.