A review by that_kitten
Zombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black


This was a fun/entertaining mixed bag of zombie/unicorn stories. In my humble opinion, the zombie stories outstripped most of the unicorn stories in action and intrigue, but there were a few select unicorn stories that were pretty intense and moving (Margo Lanagan & Kathleen Duey's unicorn stories were standouts for me). If you enjoyed Carrie Ryan's world of zombies from her books, her short story "Bougainvillea" is an extension of that world. Libba Bray's "Prom Night" felt like a fully realized world for such a tightly-written story.

Overall, I found these stories ranged from "meh" to highly enjoyable. Some interesting ideas were used, and the mythos was heartily poked at. Some are definitely worth the read. I purchased the Kindle edition.

In case you weren't aware, these stories are written by young adult authors and are geared toward/written about teenagers. They range from silly and light to pretty dark (which sort of comes with the territory of zombie stories). Some feature drinking, sexuality, and swearing, if you're concerned about that sort of thing. Violence is definitely featured, even in some of the unicorn stories.