A review by ezrasupremacy
The Book of Queer Saints by Mae Murray, Eric Raglin, Perry Ruhland, LC von Hessen, James Bennett, George Daniel Lea, Nikki R. Leigh, Joe Koch, K.S. Walker, Hailey Piper, Briar Ripley Page, Joshua R. Pangborn, Eric LaRocca, Belle Tolls


as always when you read a short story collection, it’s a bit hit and miss, which is even more so true when you read one that’s penned by multiple different authors.

i started reading this because eric larocca is featured, which is funny because i don’t even particularly love his stories, yet i still keep coming back for them, so interpret that how you will.

i largely enjoyed this collection of strange little stories, obviously some more and some less, but it was incredibly solid overall, and definitely introduced me to some new authors to keep an eye out for.

i adore anything queer but a million times more when it’s not a love story, and combining my love for stories i like to call “fucked” with queer evil? a dream come true

my favourites were definitely “the neon holocaust” by eric larocca (shocker), “the love that whirls” by joe koch, and “the last disgrace” by george daniel lea