A review by catiandrah
Birthday by César Aira


Plot: Nearing his 50th birthday, the author realises that he has been mistaken about the origin of the light of the moon for his entire life. This leads to a book based upon reflections; reflections back on events in his life, and reflections on his beliefs and how they formed.

Genre: Literary fiction, philosophical fiction, cultural, autobiographical.


Thoughts While Reading:
Thoughts at 100%:
1. I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I liked the reflective, philosophical nature of Cesar Aira's writing, and the way he linked it all back to turning 50. This book certainly made me stop and think about some of my opinions, beliefs, even knowledge that I believe to be true, and where these all might have come from. It's an interesting thought.


Conclusion and Recommendation:
I liked this, it was a really interesting and thought provoking read. I'm going to give it 3 stars because I don't give novellas as high ratings as full length books, and Birthday occasionally got a little TOO philosophical for my tastes. Still, I enjoyed this, and I might go seek out more of his books. I might recommend this if someone specifically said that they enjoyed books with a philosophical bent. Otherwise, probably not.