A review by veganheathen
Grime: A Novel by Sibylle Berg


I feel a bit unsure of how to feel about this book, to be honest. From the synopsis, it definitely sounds like my kind of book. The prose had a very different pattern to it, which felt like it echoed the frustration, anger and urgency of the characters in a way. However, it also echoed the ennui quite a bit and not in the greatest way. I kept waiting for the story to begin, and then realized I was quite a ways into the book and I guess the whole thing was going to read like this. There was very little dialogue, mostly descriptions of people, events and conversations. I didn't really feel like I was given enough to create a connection with most of the characters and at points, it felt like a bit of a chore to read. The subject is quite interesting, but the way this book is written is not quite for me. It seems like a lot of people loved it, especially German readers, so maybe I'm missing some cultural nuances or something. I'm not sure.

Thank you to the publisher and author for the free copy of this book that I won in a Goodreads giveaway.