A review by amyiw
A Dream of Stone & Shadow by Marjorie Liu


re-read April 2014
This was my first read of Majorie M. Liu. It came in [b:Dark Dreamers (Dark, #7b)|156295|Dark Dreamers (Dark, #7b) (Dirk & Steele, #4)|Christine Feehan|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1308958426s/156295.jpg|478365] as a duology with a story from Christine Feehan's Carpathians series. I liked this story so much that I wanted more gargoyles and decided to read more of Dirk & Steele, I was impressed with both the first and second book but really disliked the 3rd. I decided to re-read the first book since I read them originally in either 2010 or 2011 just to make sure I didn't misjudge the series. I found I liked Tiger Eye better the 2nd time and A Dream of smoke and Shodow still is one of my top novellas.