A review by fyreprincess
This Is Our Story by Ashley Elston


I bought this book for my mum for Christmas or something one year and she told me that I should read it because it was pretty good. So when I finished the book and mentioned this to her, she said she hadn’t even read it, so I have no idea what she was even talking about.

Anyways, I actually thoroughly enjoyed this novel, it was a super interesting concept and I think it was pulled off quite well. I really really liked the fact that the boys didn’t know which one had shot their friend – it kept an air of even more mystery and made for a little bit more of a complication during the investigation.

It was an easy read, I read it in about a day, I guess it was a novel that pulled me back from my reading slump and gave me something that was easily engaging. I thought it was well written in the sense that the mystery of who killed their friend was not as easy to decipher, and the audience found out at exactly the same time as everyone else.

I also did like the context of the story: y’know five rich boys who party and hunt etc, one of them gets killed by another. It was a very real scenario and I enjoyed reading it.

I guess I also liked the relationship between Kate Marino and Shep Moore, it was a nice kind of thing. And just, I don’t know what to say really it was just a nice kind of book.